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Records - Schallplatten - Vinyl

The Juke Joint Pimps meet their alter Ego the Gospel Pimps, trashed up wild frantic raw Rhythm n Blues chicago stlye (the Juke Joint Pimps) meets Holy grail Preaching Gospel action Louisiana soul (the Gospel Pimps) not only on that record as well live on stage the Band Jumps into two Suits.
Once the buzz guzzler and sinner Juke joint pimps and getting saved by Gospel music the Gospel Pimps with authentic Gospel Choir and Roman Catolic preacher uniforms brings you that band the perfect match in both styles.
What does a sinner want more. The whole album starts up with EAT FOR ME a song that could be written by R.L. Burnside back in the days when Fat Possum was still a good interesting label, and has slow songs as well like the I NEED MY BABY or SWEETEST HYMNS the flipside of the album is dominated by the gospel music of the early and mid 50's THE STAPLE SINGERS the Peacock catalogue inspired them to do such a recording, invited a gospel choir into the studio and start recording I FEEL GUILTY is a fine example of very strange gospel and raw Rhythm'n'Blues sung by sinners for sinners and outcasts.

Titel: The Gospel Pimps
Label: Voodoo Rhythm
Stil: Blues Punk
Best-Nr.: VR1266
Typ: LP
Preis: 22.- CHF

JUKE JOINT PIMPS - The Gospel Pimps

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Eat For Me
Delta Trip
I Need My Baby
Boogie 65
Sweetest Hymns
Old School Boogie
Blues Power

I Feel Guilty
Juke Joint In The Sky
Boogie The Church Down
Keep Your Arms Around Me
King Roland's Prayer
Feeling Lonely
The Pimps Don't Like It

Voodoo Rhythm
Weitere Platten vom Label Voodoo Rhythm
Weitere Platten zum Musikstil Blues Punk
Weitere Platten von JUKE JOINT PIMPS

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